Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Trades, 9 Jan 08

Today was a good day...I dumped the following Jan Calls:

sold my TWM calls for

$10.50, paid 5.50, gain 0f ~91%

sold my SLF Calls for

$5.50, paid $4.00, gain of ~38%

I'm happy to be out of all my Jan calls...January options expire next Friday on the 18th. The week before options expiration (OpEx) can be a beast if you are out of the money--the time factor sucks a lot of your price too.

A question to think about...will the Fed attempt to intervene before their meeting at the end of the month? Last time that the Fed adjusted the target rate (the Fed does not control interest rates, it only sets a target) was Sept 17, 2001.

Stay tuned and be ready to short the pop!


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