Sunday, October 28, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy


My apologies, we have been out of the loop. The 'paid' jobs have been calling. I plan to be more loyal to our regular readers (Both of you know who you are). Ha! As well, I have been trying to wrap my brain around the Market since the rate cut a few weeks ago. Wow. It did not go like I expected, and by expected, I mean what would be healthy for our Economy. Which leads to a short summary to a long ranting post--The Market is not fair. People do not play by the rules, and most behavior is not necessarily in the best interest of our Nation's future. Anyway...I digress...

I think I have the hang of it now. Every now and then we lose our heads. Mine rolled farther away than usual.

Short Term Strategy:

Rate cut this week. 0.25-0.50 rate cut. Go long into the cut with tight stops. I plan to take calls on a certain mortgage broker who announced bullsh!t earning last week, a favorite Chinese stock of mine, and a brokerage House. After the pop and rush back to 14k plus on the Dow, I'm shorting the hell out of the same companies into the year's end (except for the Chinese one, because that market is following the Chang'e 1 to the moon and won't stop until after the '08 Olympics).

Long Term Strategy:

Put your money into very conservative/wealth preserving plays. This means bonds, dividend paying secular stocks, and high interest instruments such as CD's/savings accounts. (No, real estate is still off limits until '09--at least). The Market is headed for Recession. Stay tuned for a post about my evaluation of the health of the upcoming Market for the next year and why the Market plans to poop the bed while eating crackers.

Note: I am not responsible if you lose money because my strategies were wrong or I changed my mind at the last minute and still made money. Be careful and take on only as much risk as you can afford--if you lose all your money, you can blame me, but I really don't care. Nope, not even a little.



Unknown said...

"Note: I am not responsible if you lose money because my strategies were wrong or I changed my mind at the last minute and still made money."

What? I just put my life savings in pork belly futures because you told me to? Am I screwed?

Rocketshoe and Wageslave said...

Nothing that a ski mask, banana peels, smoke bombs, and a trip to your local bank branch can't fix.

See also: